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All the headings and sub-headings are for convenience only and are not to be taken into account for the purposes of interpreting it.


“The Company” is to mean LostWild Adventures.


Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, any reference to “LostWild” or “LostWild Adventures” is to include the other.


Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, any reference to “Trip” or "Trips" & “Tour” or "Tours" is to include the other.


Usage of the terms “We” and “Us” are to refer to “The Company”


Usage of the terms “You” and “Your” is to refer to the signee.


“Start Date”: The designated start date of the trip for which you are booking. For clarity, it will be designated at 12pm on the date of the advertised trip start date, unless stated otherwise on the trip itinerary.


"Payment Due Date": The date by which sums owed for the trip you have booked become immediately payable.


“End Date”: The designated end date of the trip for which you are booking. For clarity, it will be designated as 11am on the date advertised that the trip will finish, unless stated otherwise on the trip itinerary.


“Trip(s)/Tour(s)": The trip you have booked with Us.


"Place of Business”: the accommodations that We are supplying to You as part of your trip with LostWild Adventures.


“Booking Fee”: The £99 sum per person that is required to secure Your booking with Us.


"Deposit": The £99 sum per person that is required to secure Your booking with Us.


“Organisers”: is to mean LostWild Adventures and any agent, contractor, or third party that We may engage within the course of providing to you the services outlined as part of your Trip.


“Cancellation” is defined as You not attending your scheduled Trip, including postponing or rescheduling.






Minimum Age


The minimum age for attending any trip with us is 18.




Cooling Off Period


There is no cooling-off period when purchasing or booking any of our trips.




Your Health


You warrant that you are in good physical condition and you know of no medical or other reason why you cannot or should not take part in any of the included physical activities, including, but not limited to, hiking, biking, swimming, yoga, snorkelling, diving.




Acknowledgement Of Risks


You warrant that You are aware that all activities and travel carries risks, and acknowledge you are participating willingly, and in knowledge of these risks.


You recognise that We are not able to provide you with medical advice, and that any information provided should be used as a guideline only. If you have any prior knowledge of health concerns or health risks, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to seek clearance from a health care professional prior to attending any of our trips.






You agree to fully indemnify without limitation any tour guide(s), tour co-ordinator(s), director(s) or contractor(s) against any injury, malpractice, mishap, or accident during any activities and all interactions with the Company away from, or at the place of business for LostWild Adventures.




Meeting Your Responsibilities and Paying for Your Trip


You must make sure your bank account can make credit/debit card payments and that there is enough money in your account to pay for the trip on or before your Payment Due Dates.


You must make sure that the payment method you have chosen remains valid until at least 1 month after the End Date of your Trip with Us.


If your chosen payment method fails, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and you are liable for any and all resulting fees.


If you do not fully pay your fees on the due date of payments, LostWild Adventures has the right to cancel, suspend or decline access to any services, activities and facilities associated with any LostWild Trip until any outstanding balances have been paid in full and you have given us your updated payment details (if you are requested to do so). You understand and acknowledge that We will continue to contact you and request payments until We have received the total amount You owe the Company.


We will make a reasonable effort to advise You on the status of the failed payments by email.




'pay-in-3' Payment plan policy


LostWild Adventures are proud to bring you our interest free 'Pay-In-3' Payment Plan.


Our Payment Plan is interest free, and free of any credit checks. It is a payment plan that we are trusting you as the payer to adhere to the conditions set out in this policy.


By choosing to either 'Pay Deposit' or 'Pay First Instalment' at checkout when completing trip booking, you are agreeing to the following terms of our Payment Plan Policy. 


Please refer to the following for a breakdown of when payments will be due, and actions that will be taken if payments have failed on the date requested:


1st Payment Due: 90 days before your trip Start Date, the amount due will be 33% of the full trip value, minus £99 deposit paid. We will acknowledge you with an invoice via email 5 days before payment is due. 


2nd Payment Due: 60 days before your trip Start Date, the amount due will be 33% of the full trip value, minus £99 deposit paid. We will acknowledge you with an invoice via email 5 days before payment is due. 


3rd & Final Payment Due: 30 days before your trip Start Date, the amount due will be the remaining 34% of the full trip value, minus £99 deposit paid. We will acknowledge you with an invoice via email 5 days before payment is due. 


If you as the payer fail to make any of the above payments, or your chosen payment method fails, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and you are liable for any and all resulting fees or losses.


If you do not fully pay your fees on the due date of payments, LostWild Adventures has the right to cancel, suspend or decline access to any services, activities and facilities associated with any LostWild Trip until any outstanding balances have been paid in full. You understand and acknowledge that we will continue to contact you and request payments until we have received the total amount you owe the company.


We will make a reasonable effort to advise you on the status of the missed or failed payments by email.




Payment Policy


To reserve a spot on any LostWild Trip, a fee of at least £99 per person is required upon booking. Payment of any outstanding sums owed (the balance) must be made at least 30days before the start date of the Trip you are to be attending.




Travel Insurance


It is your responsibility to organise suitable travel and health insurance. You acknowledge that LostWild Adventures is not in the business of providing insurance products and cannot be held liable if your failure to arrange suitable insurance coverage leaves you exposed, medically, financially or otherwise.


You understand and acknowledge that it is a condition of booking that you must take out an adequate travel insurance policy that covers all items listed in the sample itinerary for your chosen Trip, as well as but not limited to, trip cancellation insurance, and any other activities that which may reasonably be undertaken during the course of your Trip. The policy and insurance coverage must be valid and in effect for the entire duration of your Trip.


Please note, even if you have private health insurance in your Country of Residence, it is unlikely that this insurance will cover overseas trips to the extent required to participate in the activities organised on a trip with LostWild Adventures.




Travel Cancellation Insurance


It is your responsibility to organise suitable travel and health insurance. You agree and acknowledge that LostWild Adventures is not in the business of providing insurance products or providing cover for and on behalf of guests, and is not to be held liable.


Depending on the policy and conditions, travel cancellation insurance may pay for some or all costs associated with cancelling a booking. It is a condition of booking that you must take out and hold for the duration of your Trip adequate travel insurance policy that covers trip cancellations.






It is your responsibility to read and understand our cancellation policy before making a reservation. Naturally, no one books with the intention of cancelling or postponing their trip, but unexpected things do happen.




Cancellations Policy: Guest Cancellations


It is your responsibility to read and understand our Cancellation Policy & Terms of Service before making a reservation.

Naturally, no one books with the intention of cancelling or postponing their trip, but unexpected things do happen, so you must have adequate travel cancellation insurance in place before booking your Trip.


If you need to cancel any trip with LostWild Adventures fees may apply, and a notice of cancellation must be provided in writing.


Please refer to the following for a breakdown of applicable cancellation fees, if you cancel:


90 days or more before your Start Date, you will be refunded the full amount paid up to that date, including any deposit that may have been paid.


Between 60 - 90 days before your Start Date, you will be refunded 50% of any sums already paid or sums owed. This is the stage of trip planning that we book and pay for your accommodation, sometimes being non-refundable to us.


Between 30 - 60 days before your trip Start Date, you will be refunded 10% of any sums already paid or sums owed. At this stage of planning the trip, we book and pay for activities included in our trips, sometimes being non-refundable to us.


Less than 30 days before trip Start Date, you will not receive any refund. As a company we have already paid for all your trip inclusions, sometimes being non-refundable to us.


Late Arrivals/Early Departures:


We do not offer credit for arriving late to our trips or departing early.




Cancellations Policy: Cancellations made by Us


If for any reason LostWild Adventures has to cancel or change the Start Date of any Trip, for any reason whatsoever, You will have three (3) options.


OPTION 1: Swap to a Different Trip

We offer complete flexibility on dates and destinations so that you can move to another LostWild Trip of your choice. We will transfer any and all payments made to your new trip of choice.


OPTION 2: Change to a Different Date

If your heart was set on the trip destination you booked we offer complete flexibility on swapping or postponing your trip date. We will transfer any and all payments made to the new trip date of your choice.


OPTION 3: Request a Refund

Obviously the support of you keeping a future trip booked with us would mean the world to us. But if you would rather a full refund we would happily oblige.


LostWild Adventures is not responsible for your expenses incurred in preparation for any cancelled Trip such as other accommodation, airline tickets, loss of work, and/or other costs associated with preparing for your trip.





CANCELLATIONS made because of fcdo advice


For trip cancellations made in connection with following FCDO Travel Advice (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK), this will include any countries or areas being affected by unrest, war, terror threats, protests, threat to life, Covid-19, other illness and more, special terms apply;


LostWild Adventures will NOT be responsible or offer any refund for any Trip as these cancellations are out of LostWild Adventures control. As the FCDO will have advised against travel, many Travel Insurance Companies will cover cancellation costs. Be sure to check your Travel Insurance Policy terms & conditions, and speak to your Insurer about these cancellation costs.


You agree that LostWild Adventures is NOT responsible for any expenses incurred in preparation for ANY cancelled Trip such as other accommodation, airline tickets, loss of work, and/or other costs associated with preparing for your trip.




Passports, Visas and Documents


It is the responsibility of each participant to obtain a valid passport, visa(s) and necessary certificates for any country to be visited in connection with any LostWild Adventures trip.




Third Parties


LostWild Adventures holds no responsibility for the actions or omissions of third parties or independent contractors, including in the event that they modify the nature of a service on a trip as compared with the advertised nature of the service.


Further, LostWild Adventures accepts no responsibility for delayed, missed or cancelled flights, buses, ferries, transfers, or any other modes of transportation required by You to get to Your accommodation, or any other activity or event in connection with or relating to Your trip.






Based on the nature of the service provided within the trip there are many factors outside of our control that can impact the Trip Itinerary. We will do our utmost to deliver the Trip as stated on the Trip Itinerary. In the eventuality of circumstances outside of our control that result in a change of Trip Itinerary we will not be liable to offer full or partial refunds but we will do our best to replace any missed inclusion with another inclusion of equal or greater value.




limitations of liability


You acknowledge and agree that during any trip with LostWild Adventures you participate voluntarily in any and all activities arranged, and insofar as is legally permissible, you surrender your right to any cause of action against LostWild Adventures, their agents, contractors, employees and directors, arising from any loss or damage to any person or property that occurs during a LostWild Trip, up to and including death.


From time to time, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office issues travel advice concerning travel to certain countries, particularly in respect of dangers posed to travellers. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to check this advice and, should you choose to travel notwithstanding any warnings given, you do so at your own risk.


You must behave in an appropriate manner when partaking in our tour or service provided by LostWild Adventures. If your behaviour is deemed unacceptable by us, your Group Leader or our staff will take steps at our discretion resulting in a termination of services by us. If this happens you will not be liable for a refund as it is assumed that you have agreed to act in an appropriate manner when you make your booking, therefore unacceptable behaviour will be regarded as a breach of these Terms and Conditions on your behalf.






In order for us to process your booking we have to ensure that you are eligible for a trip by collecting information from you such as contact information, your personal information including your date of birth and preferences. We take full responsibility for protecting the information you have provided us with by following the data protection principles. If you do not provide us with certain personal information, we may not be able to supply our tours to you.


We may pass on your information to third party suppliers and tour operators who assist in helping us deliver our services and itineraries, such as booking travel arrangements with airlines and other transport companies. If required from customs/immigration by law, the information you have provided may be passed on to public authorities.


Your personal information may be retained by us so that we can communicate with you which will allow you to book other tours with us. We may also communicate with you after the tour as a form of marketing and inform you of new tours available or special offers, if you wish to opt-out and not receive any further communication after your trip has finished then please contact us.


We understand some of your data could be sensitive, such as religion or health details therefore if you wish to see your personal information that we hold about you, you may request to obtain it and we can explain why we keep it and which third party suppliers may require what information and why.


If for any reason there are any changes to your personal details or you believe that any information you have provided us with is inaccurate or incorrect then please let us know as soon as possible.

By providing personal information to us, you are giving us permission to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the above terms. If you do object to any of the things mentioned above then please tell us in writing.




data protection - Photo / Video Release 


You hereby grant to LostWild Adventures the absolute and irrevocable right, and unrestricted permissions to use photographic portraits/images/videos in which you feature that are taken during the retreat to use/republish/copyright, etc. for commercial use in association with LostWild Adventures. You hereby release and discharge LostWild Adventures from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the photographs and video footage, including without limitation any and all claims for libel or invasion of privacy.




By booking any trip with Us you agree to be bound by and adhere to all policies and rules.




For any questions or queries, please email us at





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